PERSONEN 1900 – 1945

Maud Allan
> People > Maud AllanMaud Allan (1873–1956) CANADIAN-AMERICAN DANCERMaud Allan as »Salome« | photo: Reutlinger, Paris | picture postcard | © Betz Collection“Neues von Salome” (“News from Salome”) | poem by Karl Ettlinger (1907) | filmed for the Digital Dance...

Claire Bauroff
> People > Claire Bauroff, Clara BaurCLAIRE BAUROFF (1895–1984) DANCER AND DANCE PEDAGOGUEClaire Bauroff | 1935 | photo © Angelo (Pál Funk) | Ochaim Collection

Roswita Bössenroth
> People > Roswita BössenrothRoswita Bössenroth DANCERRoswita Bössenroth in »›Arabeske‹ von Debussy« | photo: Hanns Holdt, Munich | picture postcard, motif no. 7480, Hermann Leiser publishers, Berlin | © Deutsches Theatermuseum, Hanns Holdt Archive

Hans Brandenburg
> People > Hans BrandenburgHANS BRANDENBURG (1885–1968) POET AND DANCE PUBLICISTHow strongly was Modern Dance already represented in literature and photography?Frank Eugene Smith: »Hans Brandenburg and Dora Brandenburg-Polster« | 1911 | planographic print with...

Dora Brandenburg-Polster
> People > Dora Brandenburg-PolsterDORA BRANDENBURG-POLSTER (1884–1958) GRAPHIC DESIGNER AND PAINTERFrank Eugene Smith: “Hans Brandenburg and Dora Brandenburg-Polster” | 1911 | planographic print with signature, 11.9 x 17.2 cm | estate of Hans Brandenburg im...

Clotilde von Derp
> People > Clotilde von DerpClotilde von Derp (1892–1974) DANCER AND DANCE PEDAGOGUE The musically gifted Clotilde Margarete Anna Edle von der Planitz grew up in Schwabing with her sister and her single mother, who was a music teacher. Clotilde attended the...

Isadora Duncan
> People > Isadora DuncanIsadora Duncan (1877–1927) DANCER AND CHOREOGRAPHER After many years of planning, the Künstlerhaus at Lenbachplatz was ceremoniously inaugurated in 1900. Two years later, the then 25-year-old American “barefoot dancer” Isadora Duncan...

Loïe Fuller
> People > Loie FullerLoïe Fuller (1862–1928) DANCER, CHOREOGRAPHER, INVENTOR, REVOLUTIONARY OF DANCE AND STAGE TECHNIQUELoïe Fuller | Loïe Fuller | photos by Reutlinger, Paris | from: Karl Storck: “Der Tanz”, Bielefeld/Leipzig 1903, ills. 102–104, illustrations...

Valeska Gert
> People > Valeska GertValeska Gert (1892–1978) DANCER, CHOREOGRAPHER, ACTRESS, CABARET ARTIST, PERFORMANCE ARTIST Gertrud Valesca Samosch from Berlin studied acting with Maria Moissi and debuted as a dancer in 1916 at an evening presented by Rita Sacchetto’s...

Magdeleine Guipet
> People > Magdeleine GuipetMadeleine Guipet“Die Traumtänzerin Madeleine” (“Madeleine the Dream Dancer”) | oil on oak panel, 41 x 24 cm, ca. 1904 | Albert von Keller [1844–1920] | location: Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen – Neue Pinakothek München | © bpk /...

Madame Hanako
> People > Madame HanakoMadame Hanako Japanese dancer Hanako | signed postcard | © Munich Dance Histories

Lo Hesse
> People > Lo HesseLo Hesse (1889–1983?) DANCER, PARTNER OF JOACHIM VON SEEWITZ Charlotte Hesse, who married at an early age and was widowed soon afterwards, studied music in Munich and took lessons from the Munich painter, poster artist and stage designer...

Ymelda Juliewna
> People > Ymelda JuliewnaYmelda Juliewna Mentelberg (1891–19XX) DANCER, PAINTER, ANTHROPOSOPHIST Ymelda Yuliewna | picture postcard (heliogravure) | photo: Atelier “Veritas”, Munich [n.d.] | distributor: J. B. Obernetter, Munich | © Munich Dance...

Rudolf von Laban
> Personen > Rudolf von LabanRudolf von Laban (1878–1958) Mit München ist Rudolf von Laban auf mehrfache Weise verbunden. Geboren wurde Rezső Laban de Váralja (genannt auch: Rudolf Jean-Baptiste Attila Marquis Laban de Váralja) am 15.12.1878 in Pressburg...

Gertrud Leistikow
> People > Gertrud LeistikowGertrud Leistikow (1885–1948) Gertrud Leistikow first studied applied arts in Dresden and later learned the Delsarte system with Hade Kallmeyer in Berlin. In 1910 she performed as a dancer, went on tour with solo programmes and...

Sent M’Ahesa
> People > Sent M'AhesaSent M'Ahesa (1883–1970) “THE MOON GODDESS” Originally from Riga, Elsa von Carlberg came to Berlin in 1905 to prepare for her Abitur and to take dance lessons. Afterwards, she studied philosophy and history in Munich and became interested...

Rita Sacchetto
> People > Rita SacchettoRita Sacchetto (1880–1959) DANCER, FILM ACTRESS, KNOWN FOR HER RE-ENACTMENTS OF PORTRAITS OF LADIES Born into a family of artists in Munich, Rita Sacchetto switched from painting to dance. She made her debut at the Künstlerhaus in 1905...

> People > SaharetSaharet (1879–1942) DANCER AND CHOREOGRAPH, WORLD-FAMOUS VARIETÉ STARSaharet | Postcard © Ochaim CollectionSaharet | Postcard © Ochaim Collection

Alexander Sacharoff
> People > Alexander SacharoffAlexander Sacharoff (1886–1963) Originally from Russia, Alexander Sacharoff studied painting in Paris. He relocated to Munich in 1905 and decided to dedicate himself to the art of dance, which he pursued with intensive training and...

Albert Freiherr von Schrenck-Notzing
> People > Albert Freiherr von Schrenck-NotzingAlbert Freiherr von Schrenck-Notzing (1862–1929) PHYSICIAN AND A PIONEER OF PSYCHOTHERAPY AND PARAPSYCHOLOGYAlbert Freiherr von Schrenck-Notzing | photo © Li Osborne | n.d. @ Münchner Stadtmuseum

Joachim von Seewitz
> People > Joachim von SeewitzJoachim von Seewitz (1891–1966) DANCER AND CHOREOGRAPHER Born into an officer’s family in Hückeswagen, Joachim von Brüsewitz began studying art in Munich in 1913 and was an enthusiastic spectator of theatre, opera and concert...

Ruth St. Denis
> People > Ruth St. DenisRuth St. Denis (1879–1968) DANCER, CHOREOGRAPHER AND DANCE PEDAGOGUERuth St. Denis in “Radha” | photo: Georg Gerlach | picture postcard | ca. 1906 | © Ochaim CollectionRuth St. Denis in “Radha” | collectible picture from a pack of...

Franz von Stuck
> People > Franz von StuckFRANZ VON STUCK (1863–1928)What role did Franz von Stuck play in the development of dance in Munich?Franz von Stuck | © Collection BetzFranz von Stuck | © Collection Betz Franz von Stuck | © Collection BetzFranz von Stuck | © Collection...

Mary Stuck
> People > Mary StuckMary Stuck (1896–1961) Anna Maria Brandmair gave birth to a daughter, fathered by Franz von Stuck (1863-1928), in Munich on 9 April 1896. Franz von Stuck chose not to marry the infant’s mother, but instead wed the American widow Mary...

Adorée Villany
> People > Adorée VillanyAdorée Villany Isadora Duncan (1877 –1927) »MISS DUNCAN TANZT DIE RENAISSANCE DES TANZES« Nach langer Planungszeit wurde das Künstlerhaus am Lenbachplatz 1900 feierlich eingeweiht. Zwei Jahre später sollte die damals 25-jährige...

The Wiesenthal Sisters
> People > The Wiesenthal SistersTHE WIESENTHAL SISTERS Together with her sisters Elsa and Bertha in Vienna, Grete Wiesenthal (1885-1970) developed a dynamic new dance technique accompanied by the music of Viennese waltzes. This extraordinary photo was...

Mary Wigman
> People > Mary WigmanMary Wigman (1886–1973) Dancer, choreographer, dance pedagogueAs a dancer and choreographer, and with her schools, Mary Wigman was the most important protagonist of expressive dance. Originally from Hanover, Marie Wiegmann graduated as a...

Sada Yacco
> People > Sada YaccoSada Yacco (1871–1946) Sada Yacco received her first lessons in dance, music and other arts as a young child. She trained as a geisha in the house of Hamada, whose owner Kamekichi adopted her. With the support of Prime Minister Hirobumi...